Below are a few shots of my Easter project.
I used a silicone mold to make egg shells out of white and milk chocolate. They were pretty delicate - half of them broke during the unmolding process.
This is the white chocolate shell - I used different colors of melting chocolate to color the decorations on the egg. (Which was a big pain, but looked decent on the eggs that survived.)
I turned the egg shells upside down and used them as little bowls. Inside the bowls I put in chocolate dipped pretzel nuggets covered with Easter sprinkles. The bowl was put on top of shredded iridescent cello in a small paper loaf pan, wrapped in a cello bag and tied with a big bow. Hopefully the egg bowls will survive shipping.
The egg bowls were a little tedious and very fragile - so for most of my treat bags I just loaded up the paper loaf pans with the Easter pretzel nuggets. The nuggets kind of look like big jelly beans.