I started out an Union Sq and picked up some fresh produce. The Green Market was packed, I'm guessing lots of people shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. They some funky veges - along with the 20 different types of potatoes there were purple and white carrots, purple and yellow cauliflower, and black turnips.
After that I walked up to Angelo and Maxie's Steakhouse. We're eating Thanksgiving dinner there and I wanted to double check the menu. Here's what I'm having for Thanksgiving dinner:
Hopping on an uptown subway, next stop Grand Central Terminal. I picked up a few transit related items and then met Michael. We took the Metro North to the New York Botanical Garden to see some fall colors.
The Botanical Garden's natural forest had some good color. (All of the 'artsy' shots are Michael's - of course.)
Look through the fencing and there is a little tiny KO!
Normal size KO.
The colors are so much more vibrant in person.
Along with acres of natural forest, the NYBG also has a huge conservatory with rotating displays. Right now they are celebrating the Japanese art of growing chrysanthemums.
These cascades of blooms take 9 months to grow.
The giant single stems are as large as dinner plates and take 6 months to grow.
And the most impressive, these giant bushes are all grown from a single plant. They take 11 months to train and grow. This one has almost 300 blooms.