Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Pope of Hope

Well this is old news now, but I just haven't had the time to get in a blog update.

As most of you already know the Pope came to NYC a few weeks ago.

I was able to get a ticket to stand on the street up from St. Patrick's Cathedral, where the Pope was saying Mass for the clergy.

Security was insane. There were double barricades, uniformed police and Secret Service and undercover police everywhere. Every roof you could see had uniformed officers on top, there were helicopters lining 5th Avenue and circling the Cathedral. I have never seen so much security in one area - but hey nothing happened on our watch! The Pope made it home safe and sound - way to go NYC.

The weather was perfect and even though it required me leaving the apartment at 6am it was really cool celebrating Mass with the Pope. They had a big screen set up with speakers for the people that could not go inside. The Mass was held for the local clergy and it was pretty amusing to see them go crazy - they were leaning in the aisles trying to touch the Pope and they had their cameras out snapping photos like mad.

Did you know the Pope has two cats that live with him in the Vatican? Do you think when they do something bad they really get in trouble? I mean it can't be good when the Pope gets mad at you....